Sunday, October 27, 2013

Sick Little Boo

Four months was going SO well! Viv was sleeping 7-8 hour stretches at night and then nursing once and going back to sleep. We were working on letting her fall back asleep without nursing. We were also working on letting her fall asleep on her own in her crib. And we were working on taking naps in her crib. All of this meant some form of crying it out for a few days and it was pure torture!!!!

Then she got sick!!!! Everything we had been working on went out the window. She was fussy for about four days and only wanted to nap in my arms. She was getting up 2, 3, 4 times at night to nurse, too! At first I was so mad about this because I had really been enjoying my own longer stretches of sleep at night. Then I learned that she gets up to nurse because my breast milk has antibodies that she needs to get better! Boy did I feel bad after realizing this!!

She is less fussy on day five, but still has a terribly runny nose which I squirt with saline and aspirate a few times a day. I have learned just how strong she usually takes two people to hold her still or I have to put her in a head lock ;). If I don't do this, it is nearly impossible for Viv to nurse because she can't breathe through her nose.  Colds are not limited to daycare apparently. Unless this is teething....who knows!?!? We will find out soon enough, either the cold will end or a tooth will come through!! I am very proud of myself for not freaking out and calling the doctor-yet. Hopefully it doesn't get any worse and she starts to feel better soon. And I am praying that we don't have to start all over again with the night waking!!!!!

On a positive note, Viv is 5 months old today!! She is able to be awake for three hours at a time and nurses every four hours during the day. These are huge milestones in my book!! She is taking three (very) short naps during the day. Whoever said they will get longer is full of shit. She is rolling over, crawling (backward) and sitting up, but only to tip over! Mom and Dad could not be more proud of our little Boo!

She doesn't look sick!!!

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