Before I begin this post, a quick thank you to Lindsay M. R. for her thoughtful gift that includes the quote above. Becca and I will undoubtedly be passing it along to Viv when she gets older. #Keepsake #Heirloom
There are four essential things that babies do: eat, poop, pee, and sleep. The baby we've been blessed with is excelling at the first three. The latching problems aside, she's doubled her birth-weight; successfully projectile pooped at me several times (yes, AT me); and is a constant visitor of the "blue-lined" diaper (yes, you know what that is, don't you?).
Then there's this 'sleep' thing.
I've read enough (in books but mostly online) stating how often and frequent our 4 month old should be sleeping and napping. Viv's taken that book (and name-that-website) and slobbered all over it. After she grew out of the newborn "coma", as I've heard it referred to, she's been on a more random and volatile sleep schedule than a college kid taking no-dose. Her disdain for naps can best be described by the text messages I get from Becca on an almost daily basis which recently have included a picture of Miss Grouchy Pouty Face mid scream-cry. (Scream-cry: defined as the uncontrollable, eyes-shut, tear-laden cry magnified by a loud scream, usually from a young child or infant). I can hear the scream-crying from my cubicle.
Nighttime is a game of roulette. She has her good nights (sleeps from 8pm until 4am) and she has her bad nights (sleeps from 9pm til midnight, then 1am til 3:30am, then 4am til 6:30am). So far this week we've had one good night, one tweener night, and two bad nights. The silver-lining is that we've finally discovered a routine that sort of works for us and it involves her falling asleep in our bed, then being flown to her crib.
What does this all mean? No idea. All I know is that we have what's categorized as an active baby. Active babies apparently can go longer between naps and can go on without as much sleep as the baby in the book. She doesn't want to sleep because she doesn't want to miss anything. She'd rather be awake.
And here I thought that all babies liked sleeping.
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