Let me preface this entry with a very simple disclaimer: It is not our intention to brag about Viv, so hopefully this doesn't come off as boasting... But I am a proud papa panda and this is gonna happen, right?
This little girl continues to amaze us when it comes to her mobility and coordination. According to most websites I've read (including Parents.com), babies begin holding their heads up at around three months, start rolling over at five months and master the art of crawling around the seven to ten month mark.... Then there's Viv's development schedule.
Since birth, Viv always seemed to have really great head and neck control. I lost count of the number of times she's stammed her face or head against my face or chin. Our first documented evidence of her rolling over from her back onto her stomach was at the three month mark (also the first OSU home game).. A couple weeks later, Viv discovered how to roll back over onto her stomach...
More recently, the crawling began... We officially have a four month old baby who will prop herself up and crawl backwards. Two nights ago, she propelled herself forward. Not. Even. Five. Months. She propelled herself about 8-12 inches... We haven't seen her do it again just yet, but we know she's trying.... And she's about 60 days early. Oh, and of course this propelling method isn't one of the core crawling styles.. Why would it be?
The downside to all this? We can't just lay her down on the ground and go do anything anymore. She's gotta be strapped into a bouncey seat or plopped into a pack n play.... It also means that baby proofing begins soon. Crap.
Any guesses for when she's going to start cruising or walking? I'll set the over/under at 7.5 months.
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