Friday, November 1, 2013

Call it what you want-we call it crawling!

A few people have told me there is this great time in infancy when my baby will just sit and play and not be able to move. Well, not my child. Little Vivienne will lay and play for about 30 seconds before she is off. She pushes, scoots, and crawls backward on any surface. Her favorite place to do this is on the carpet, but she can really move on hardwood. She likes to practice these moves in her crib when it's nap time and bedtime. We really like to watch her get up on all fours, rock back and forth and propel herself forward. She can't get too far this way yet, but it won't be long. She has recently started to lift her right arm and leg like she is trying to crawl, but she usually just tips over. I am ready for gates at the stairs and have had to put a second pack n' play on the lower level so I have a safe place to leave her if I have to grab the laundry. I can't leave her alone anymore because I now find her under everything...the couch, crib, bookshelves, fireplace and often backed into corners.

If you can't tell, she is completely exhausting me as she is up three times a night and sometimes only taking 15-30 minute naps while being awake for three to four hours straight. This might have led to my case of shingles last week. We are waiting and praying that Viv doesn't get chicken pox as she has now been exposed before getting the vaccine. Last month I was totally imagining having a second child (someday), this month, not a chance!!!

The newborn noises are long gone and she now loves to "spit" or blow bubbles with her lips and squeal as loud as she can. Sometimes when I have turned away for a minute I catch her just staring at me, smiling. Talk about true, unconditional love. Boy, can I feel it!!!

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