Monday, November 23, 2015

You know it's a Monday when....

You know it's a Monday when your toddler wakes up sick and your baby doesn't nap until 12:30pm. It took me 3 1/2 hours and lots of bribing to convince Viv to come to Target and buy cold medicine with me. She had to pack her Hello Kitty purse with her princess clip dolls inside and I had to make sure she peed before we left which involved more bribery. She has been known to pee in the toy aisle at Target. We had a list of what we needed and mostly stuck to it. I had promised her play doh if she got in the car, so we walked through the toy section to find it. Ever since Target did that gender neutral bull shit, I can't find anything in the toy department. My ultimate goal was to get Neve to sleep and that didn't happen. At home, we made "Anna/Elsa soup" and found that Campbell's makes an organic version which would please my mother in law ;) Neve ate more than Viv! She LOVES to feed herself and was so happy to be picking up tiny noodles and carrots! I was able to convince both girls to take naps and they are even overlapping a bit (hurray for me)! Now for some me time, the mess in the other room can wait.

Happy Thanksgiving!

WHAT?? Mimi and Papa are coming home today???

Monday, November 2, 2015

Someone told me I should start a blog...

Someone recently told me I should start a blog. Sadly I started this when Viv was first born and I couldn't even get my family to read it! With no followers, I lost interest and also got super busy with Viv and just couldn't find the time anymore. I figured there was no harm in starting again, especially now with two kids!

Vivienne will be 2 1/2 at the end the month and Genevieve will be 8 months tomorrow! Life with two girls has been a lot of fun, a lot of hard work, and still no sleep!

We spend our days playing, spilling, dumping, and cleaning. Our favorite activities are walking to the (three) playgrounds in our neighborhood, library story time, and soon swimming lessons! Vivienne goes to "school" on Thursday mornings and that gives Neve some quality, quiet time with mommy and allows Viv to play with other kids her age and listen to someone other than her parents for a change.

Typical Monday morning